
The George Institute Researchers Find Diabetes Increases the Risk of Heart Failure for Women at a Higher Rate

A global study of 12 million people has found diabetes increases the risk of heart failure and this increase is greater for women than men.  Researchers from The George Institute for Global Health determined that this differential was greater in Type 1 than Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is associated with a 47% excess […]

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July 19th, 2019

George Clinical Congratulates Parent Company The George Institute For Global Health For Securing $12 Million To Tackle Worlds Biggest Killers

[Sydney, Australia] George Clinical congratulates its parent company, The George Institute for Global Health for securing $12 million from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Australia’s peak funding body for medical research. These grants will support The Institute’s scientific leaders to improve the lives of people living with chronic kidney disease, septic shock […]

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February 12th, 2019

George Clinical’s Parent Company The George Institute For Global Health Secures Largest Ever NHMRC Project Grant To Benefit People With Kidney Disease

George Clinical congratulates its parent company, The George Institute for Global Health for securing a project grant that could transform the treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) globally and benefit millions of people globally. The $5.5 million awarded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Australia’s peak funding body for medical research, is […]

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February 5th, 2019

Significant changes ahead for drug development in China?

Significant changes are ahead for clinical research in China. The Public Consultation Notice for Policies to Encourage Innovation and Reform in Regulation of Drug and Medical Device Clinical Testing was released by the CFDA on 11 May, 2017. These proposed changes herald an exciting new era for drug and device development. If implemented in full, […]

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June 16th, 2017

Taiwan: The Clinical Trials Gateway to China?

Taiwan sits, along with its smaller counterparts, Singapore and Hong Kong, as one of the gateway countries to running a clinical trial in China. Although Hong Kong’s regulatory ties are more formalized with China, than Taiwan, Taiwan has the right environment and population to make the possibility of greater regulatory cohesion with its giant neighbour, […]

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March 15th, 2017
south korea

South Korea: A Top Clinical Trial Destination

Clinical trial sponsors and CROs don’t need to imagine South Korea as a country of limitless potential, they know it is. South Korea is a clinical trial destination with world-class medical infrastructure, a highly-educated, relatively wealthy and healthy population. Their investigators are, on the whole, actively engaged in clinical trials and keen to play their […]

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March 15th, 2017
Which clinical trials need Endpoint Adjudication

Which clinical trials need a Clinical Endpoint Adjudication Committee?

Increasingly, regulatory authorities are placing significant focus on clinical trial processes that ensure consistent, standardized, objective and unbiased reporting of safety and efficacy results; given that the definitions for many endpoint events include subjective components, and investigator-to-investigator subjective assessments may differ. Moreover, an increasing number of trials are now conducted in multiple geographies, and clinical […]

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January 8th, 2017
Why digital health is beneficial to clinical trials

Why digital health is beneficial to clinical trials

In the world of healthcare, time is always of the essence. Researchers are continuously looking for new solutions to help improve patients’ well-being and ultimately save lives. The discovery process of new treatments takes an enormous amount of time and resources in order to generate good evidence to prove that they are safe and that […]

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January 6th, 2017
Utilizing clinical research organization for late phase I studies

Utilizing Clinical Research Organizations for late Phase I studies

A key step in developing a new drug is the transition from the laboratory to the human subject in a Phase I clinical trial, where the new compound is given to humans for the first time. A Phase I trial is the gateway between scientific research and clinical medicine. Generally, in-human Phase I studies are […]

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January 4th, 2017
Thrombolysis will continue to be the mainstay for stroke treatment

Thrombolysis will continue to be the mainstay for acute stroke treatment

Thrombolysis will continue to be the mainstay for acute stroke treatment, despite the recent revolution in neurointerventional clot retrieval. However, as there are ongoing limitations of thrombolysis of bleeding risk and reduced efficacy in large clots – what possible therapeutic advancements can complement or act as an adjuvant to thrombolysis? Neurointervention – effective, but limited […]

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January 2nd, 2017

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